Best Gemstones to wear at a wedding

Dubbed the ‘wedding society’ of the year it has been hard to ignore the events taking place this weekend.

The ‘almost Royal’ wedding has happened, the papers and social media feeds are full of images and no doubt it will continue to feed the media until their first born arrives.

However, whether we have an interest or not in the biggest wedding this year so far, we do love a good wedding and the time is now upon us. Wedding season has begun. What is there not to love about a wedding? Whether it is a family wedding or an old friends we cannot but help love a wedding. Regardless of the style, the venue, the cost, we know that people coming together to celebrate the union of love is a pretty beautiful event.

So when thinking weddings, what gemstones work well?

Rose Quartz – this is most certainly the number one stone for weddings as it symbolises love. The colour of Rose Quartz matches pretty much every outfit and as we saw this weekend, it is a favourite colour of the Royals

The rose quartz teardrop earrings retain the timeless beauty that compliments a wedding outfit
wedding blog duschess
The timeless rose colour works well for a wedding.

Moonstonrosegold moonstonee – a firm favourite with many, the resplendent stone is subtle enough not to detract from the bride or your outfit but beautiful enough to compliment. There are a variety of moonstones out there from peach to white milky, each beautiful in their own right. Rainbow moonstone with rose gold is a lovely combination for a wedding. The classical design of the EsmeLoves necklace with the moonstone makes it a timeless contribution to the lace designs that are so in favour at the moment.

Bold in blue? Want to bring a dash of colour to an outfit through your jewellery? The EsmeLoves Blue Chalcedony is unapologetically blue and the design can be worn facing out or in, showing off the the rich blue.

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The EsmeLoves Grande is perfect for those long dresses or high necks.

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Perhaps you are buying for yourself, your bridesmaids, your mother? EsmeLoves has a range of items that are designed for these special moments. A gift for you mother and your niece? The design of the EsmeLoves collection recognise the bond between you all and makes it a gift they are sure to treasure.

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